Lots of differences between Dems and Pubs, BUT,

the MAIN dif is Pubs have this ‘our shit don’t stink’ mentality, thinking the US can do no wrong and the rest of the world can kiss our ass.

Starting a world wide trade war, with tariffs, dumping on our former friends and allies, while kissing up to dictators like Puitin and Jong Un, is just typical Pub crap.
Like Viet Nam, then the Oops no WMDs bullshit, then withdrawing from hard fought deals in the Paris Accord climate change agreement, and TTP, and the Iran deal, threatening NAFTA, NATO and the G7, cuz we have an asshole like Dotard, elected by the clueless, gullible, ignorant sheep, with YUUUGE help,from Russia. Ever wonder why?
Then there was Comey, who also gave Dotard a YUUUGE boost, and now the idiots claim he and the FBI was for Hillary.
What can I say? Any who can support a pathological liar like the Pussy Grabber, who goosed the fantastic US economy he inherited, unlike the one Obama got, with irresponsible tax cuts, is hopeless, and deserves what they’re gonna get.
Luckily, I’ll be able to survive the vain, arrogant, unqualified ahole, but SO many won’t.
Will be hard not to laugh, as they reap what they’ve sown.
Trade wars are good, and easy to win can ONLY come from a jerk who’s always settled his problems with lawsuits and bankruptcies.
Who can’t see this?
Oh yeah, the FOXSheep who swallow it all.
Hopefully we can survive.....


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