
Showing posts from April, 2021

At least we’re having discussions about policy, now, instead of dealing with the Liar in Chief’s full time assault on the truth.

  When President Donald Trump's social media feeds   went dark after   the insurrection at the Capitol, it felt like a fog beginning to lift. For more than five years, starting with his campaign announcement in June 2015, political journalism had been clogged with a nonstop torrent of exaggerations, lies and head-scratching pronouncements that scuttled efforts to focus on systemic concerns.   From  exhaustive fact checks  to contentious briefing-room clashes over the administration's "alternative facts," debunking the whirl of lies became a full-time process. The bad news? Late night TV has gotten pretty boring, without Trump’s daily bullshit, but it’s a small price to pay.

After Dotard slashed $2Trillion from the budget by giving the top 1% a YUUUGE tax break, McTurtleface was asked about the deficit.

 He had a famous reply, that you never heard on FOX. ‘Nobody cares about the deficit’. Have you him and the rest of the Repub jerks lately? Sorta like when Obama’s SCOTUS pick was ‘too close to the election’. Republicans....What a joke.

This, after CA and NY (by 89 total people) LOST seats and FL and TX GAINED seats, TX, by two.

 Their only ‘evidence’? Some states differed from the ‘estimates’. BUT, it give the morons at FOX something to bitch about, after the ‘Red Meat’ scandal was shown to be total bullshit. GOP reps question Biden admin on alleged 'political interference' in census, citing departure from estimates

At least the morons have a place to ‘gather together’.


As vaccinations numbers begin to recede, it seems we are going to fall short of reaching ‘herd immunity, which is necessary to protect AKK of us from COVID19,

 Which will be able to produce new variants and be an ongoing problem, killing citizens for a LONG time. Scientists are trying to find out WHY so many are adverse to getting an inoculation that will protect them, and their friends and family, as well as society as a whole. Scientists have found similar patterns among  skeptics in Australia and Israel, and in a broad sample of vaccine-hesitant people in 24 countries. “At the root are these moral intuitions — these gut feelings — and they are very strong,” said Jeff Huntsinger, a social psychologist at Loyola University Chicago who studies emotion and decision-making and collaborated with Omer’s team. “It’s very hard to override them with facts and information. You can’t reason with them in that way.” These qualities tend to predominate among conservatives. Wow! I’m shocked! We’re finding that conservatives aren’t convinced by ‘facts and information’.  Like Dotard, they just ‘go with their gut’. Duh, who da thunk? Throw in ...

Ooooooh, this is really gonna hurt FOXNews and the gullible, ignorant sheep who swallow their crap. Imagine, getting called out for ‘false reporting’. Who da thunk?

  Juan Williams , co-host of  The Five  on  Fox News , called out the network on Tuesday for its recent repeated coverage of false stories. This was in the context of discussing the unsubstantiated story that current climate czar  John Kerry  allegedly gave classified Israeli information to Iran when he was secretary of State under  President Obama , which  Kerry denies . Williams suggested using caution when reporting on the story, pointing to two recent narratives that got a lot of airtime on Fox News that turned out to be untrue. If the assholes(R) at FOX couldn’t report LIES they’d lose half their audience, who tune in just to hear what they want to hear. Which is LIES about the big, bad Dems, who STOLE the election, although, five months after the election they have ZERO proof. Does that concern the gullible, ignorant sheep?  OF COURSE NOT! Truth and facts have never mattered to the morons. Just look at the 30,000+ LIES from the Liar in ...

Maybe Rabid Rudy and Dotard can be cellmates....

BREAKING NEWS Federal investigators executed a search warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s apartment, stepping up a criminal investigation into his dealings in Ukraine. Wednesday, April 28, 2021 12:09 PM EST The federal authorities have been largely focused on whether Mr. Giuliani illegally lobbied the Trump administration in 2019 on behalf of Ukrainian officials and oligarchs, who at the same time were helping Mr. Giuliani search for dirt on Donald Trump’s political rivals, including President Biden. When Rudy heard the news he sprouted an oil leak in his head, farted, flopped down on a bed and grabbed his dick while slinging a slew of lies in front of a landscape business. Nothing new here.  

Yup, according to the professional LIARS at FOX’news?’, Biden is gonna cut beef consumption to four pounds per year, right after he ‘Takes Your Guns!’

And, mean old Joe is gonna force ‘plant based beer’ on us, according to the morons at Bullshit Mountain, the Repub Propaganda Outlet where the sheep get their ‘news’. And you wonder WHY the morons are so ignorant and uninformed? Did you hear that President Biden is going to ration hamburgers and steaks and force red-blooded Americans to consume horrible things like Brussel sprouts and tofu in a bid to reduce carbon emissions? No? If you weren’t watching Fox News this weekend or took a Twitter sanity break, you may have missed this mini kerfuffle in the bizarro world of conservative media. Sorry to break it to the suddenly hopeful vegan activists out there, but it’s a bunch of, ah, baloney. Biden has not proposed any restrictions on red meat as part  of his climate plan or even hinted at such a thing. Frankly, the idea that this middle-of-the-road president would even contemplate such a radical agenda item is just so wacky it’s hard to believe it got any traction. This isn’t Elizabe...

Special ‘picture story’ news for the sheep who ‘don’t read so good’, and only hear the bullshit LIES from FOX/Bullshit Mountain.

 Read the ‘list of LIES’ and try to figure out WHY I can’t stand the LIARS(R), who have to make up bullshit to shovel to the gullible, ignorant sheep.

If you don’t believe, or realize what the the rightwingnut idiots are really about, I give you this evidence...

  MIAMI (AP) — A private school in South Florida has warned teachers and staff against taking the COVID-19 vaccine, saying it will not employ anyone who has received the shot. Oh really? This is what happens when the morons(R) are ‘in charge’. Centner stood by the decision Tuesday in a statement sent to The Associated Press, which featured the biologically impossible claim that unvaccinated women have experienced miscarriages and other reproductive problems just by standing in proximity to vaccinated people. And you wonder WHY I can’t stand ‘em?

As always, the Pubs are relying on their base, and the fact they don’t understand basic MATH, to fight Biden’s policies.

 These are the same ‘jeniuses’ who spend their last dollars on a Lottery, where their odds are less than one in 17,000,00. The same sheep who don’t understand that there are over 55 YUUUGE companies that pay ZERO tax, while the lowest earners pay over 20%. And hundreds of billions in tax will be paid as the corporate tax rate is raised from 36 to 38%. BUT, the Pubs are screaming cuz the one percent who got trillions in tax breaks, from Dotard, for his buddies, are being asked to pay more, OR, what they paid before. The Bible Belt trailer renters, wrapped in flags, are bitching, not knowing its against their own interests. THe same morons who don’t get vaccinated, cuz Dotard didn’t. But he DID.  Nohing new here, as the sheep are bamboozled, cuz they get their ‘news’ from FOX, the Repub Propaganda Network.

Some TRUTH here, that the sheep just cant handle.

 Because their boy, Dotard, TOTALLY blew the response to the pandemic, by LYING and ignoring reality, and they are Repubs, like the Moron in charge, they choose to continue the insanity, and act like, ‘We don’t need no stinking’ vaccinations’. Typical rightwingnut, science-denying reality. The FACT of over 560,000 deaths in the US doesn’t phase these morons(R), cuz they’ve made it a political issue, vs, scientific. Typical rightwing, moronic mentality. Three million world-wide deaths and more dead than from all of our US wars. And the morons STILL refuse to admit reality. That’s the view from deep inside their ‘head up their ass’. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.

After Dotard was kicked off of Twitter and Facebook, (think about it morons(R), the D-bag claimed he was gonna stars his own platform.

 Just another LIE, like the 30,000 other documented LIES from the mouth of the PIG. BUT, that doesn’t stop the gullible, ignorant sheep from hanging on his every word, swallowing his crap, and ignoring the truth. Nothing new here for the double digit IQ crowd among us. The bad news? Their votes count the same as those who have a grasp on reality. SO, let the morons(R) swallow the crap about a ‘Stolen Election’, while the rest of us laugh our asses off cuz they’ve had six months for their ‘Evidence’ and the morons(R) have ZERO! Nothing new here as the gullible, ignorant sheep continue to swallow the shit that FOX shovels to the ‘intellectually challenged’ among us. Otherwise known as FOXNews sheep, where ‘facts just don’t matter’.

Rightwing media is ablaze with Biden’s plan to limit American’s intake of red meat to four pounds per YEAR!

 From nearly ALL of the Bullshit Mountain bullshitters and redneck talk shows to the nutball Repub Congresspeople, the LYING a**holes are parroting the LIE about 4 lbs of beef per year.  It’s total bullshit, from some British publication, BUT, it’s what the morons(R) wanna hear, cuz it makes them feel superior to ‘them dumb Dems’ who are gonna ban meat, ‘Take Your Guns’ and make you drink ‘plant-based beer’, as per Larry Kudlow, a dumbass who makes the average Dem look like a brain surgeon. Maybe it’s his meat-based beer that makes Larry Kudlow(R) such an idiot......

File it under, ‘There’s a sucker born every minute’, and they all vote straight Republican.

 As nearly half the Pubs in the. US refuse to get vaccinated for various excuses, all political, they(R) will shell out $$$ for bogus cures, through. “That there vackseen is too dangerous, BUT, I’ll drink this bleach that I bought from that late night TV preacher’. I say let the morons do what they want and there will be more vaccine for those who need and want it, in the US and around the world. Let the morons deny science, drink their bleach and believe the crap from their rightwing propaganda. Who needs ‘em, pissing in our gene pool?

The idiots just won’t let it go. Their ‘Stolen Election’ bullshit, that is.

 Since ALL of the attempts to show election fraud have shown just the opposite, a bunch of deep pocket morons are gonna do their own count in Arizona. Behind closed doors, financed by dark money. And we’re supposed to believe their results? What a bunch of bullshit..... Logan refuses to disclose who’s paying him or who’s counting the ballots, and he won’t commit to using bipartisan teams for the process. The GOP-dominated Senate refuses to let media members observe the count. Reporters can accept a six-hour shift as an official observer, but photography and notetaking are prohibited. It would be a violation of journalistic ethics for reporters to participate in an event they’re covering. The Senate has put up $150,000 for the audit, but Logan acknowledged that’s not enough to cover his expenses. The right-wing cable channel One America News Network has raised money from unknown contributors for the project, and the money goes directly to Cyber Ninjas. Logan would not commit to disc...

Larry Kudlow, Dotard’s Economic Advisor was typical of the Orange Clown’s picks for his cabinet and to run govt agencies.

 The near senile old fart has been a mainstay of ‘Conservative thought’ for decades and ALWAYS has the same message, no mattter the year or the present circumstance. “We’re Number One!’, Democrats Suck, The world should kiss our ass, Whatever Trump says is Gospel Truth, etc, etc. Well, the demented cheerleader for ‘All Things Republican’ lost his soapbox in Fat Donny’s Circus, BUT, has found a new home (he actually never left) at Bullshit Mountain, where he gets paid to shovel the shit to the sheep, who gladly lick the troughs clean. Just check out his latest rant that begins with idiotic, FOX-based LIES and ends with, OMG!, ‘Plant Based Beer!’, just proving my point, that it takes a moron(R) to swallow the crap from a fellow moron(R). “ Speaking of stupid ,” he began. “America has to, get this, America has to stop eating meat, stop eating poultry and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy and animal-based fats. OK, got that? No burgers on July Fourth. No steaks on the barbecue. ... So get rea...

The words Republican and Hypocrite are totally interchangeable. How do the jerks even keep a straight face?


Wow, the lawyers in Boulder are REALLY earning their money, OR, sucking $$from the public teat, as they always do.

 They have found an additional FORTY THREE charges against the asshole that shot and killed ten people at the grocery store. Whew, I bet that sure scares the cowardly asshole. Sorta like the Columbine cops who sat in their cars while students and teachers bled to death, BUT, they spent MILLIONS of school district $$$ to document every empty shell casing, and PROVE it was Dillon and Klebold who killed the innocents. Thanks a bunch, chickenshits. NOW, the prosecutors have put in TONS of ‘billable hours’ that I will be paying for, to add extra charges against the killer. Nothing new here, as lawyers milk the system that we all pay for.

It seems that morons(R) don’t like being called morons. Well, you morons, you have a better word?

 These are the same people that buy lottery tickets. The people who don’t understand math or ODDS. Thankfully, these are the same idiots who finance our parks and Wilderness Areas, here in Colorado, hoping they can be the ‘one in 17 Million’ who will get rich, without working, or understanding math. Who says Republicans are worthless? moron [  mawr -on ] SHOW IPA See synonyms for  moron  on noun Informal .  a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment: A person who thinks the one in 7 million odds of a bad inoculation overrides the one in a thousand chance of getting COVID. Reminds me of the song lyric, ‘The world is full of stupid people’. And, BTW, most of them vote straight Republican, as they say ‘God will protect me!’, and go buy another Assault Weapon. And it all makes sense to the morons(R) who think Jesus sent Donald F’ing Trump.

It’s the one year anniversary of one of Dotard’s greatest hits.

 365 days ago, the moron said we should ingest BLEACH, to fight COVID. This is after the incompetent jerk had basically done NOTHING, but LIE about the pandemic. Just one more bit of bulls hit, in his daily hit parade, of CRAP. Wow, the good ol’ days, when we’d all look forward to the daily news, to see what idiotic moves the asshole(R) had just done and hear his latest LIES, eagerly swallowed by the ignorant, gullible sheep.

SOOO, I’m not the only one feeling, ‘Not quite up to par?’

  It wasn’t burnout — we still had some energy. It wasn’t depression — we didn’t feel completely hopeless. We just felt somewhat joyless and aimless. It turns out there’s a name for that:   languishing . Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield. And it might be the dominant emotion of 2021. As scientists and physicians work to treat and cure the physical symptoms of long-haul Covid, many people are struggling with the emotional long-haul of the pandemic. I’m usually able to talk myself out of the melancholy that sometimes takes over, by focusing on the good parts of my life, including family, health, home and freedom from want, with plenty to eat and a comfortable home. But what of those who can’t count those blessings? I can’t imagine going through these times the financial and emotional security to think, ‘Things are gonna be fine’. AND, how long are these feelings an...

As we watched Trump incite his murderous mob, most of us were thinking OMG! How could this happen, and, This can never happen again!

 For Dotard’s double digit IQ minions, though, it is just a glimpse into their future of lawlessness. The Law and Order Party (Ha Ha) has devolved into a blood thirsty, gun carrying mob, for whom elections count ONLY when their boy wins. Check out this paragraph from a pro-Trump publication. ‘The decent know that they must become ruthless. They must become the stuff of nightmares,” Jack Kerwick  writes  in the Trumpian magazine American Greatness. “The good man must spare not a moment to train, in both body and mind, to become the monster that he may need to become in order to slay the monsters that prey upon the vulnerable.” Yup, this is the ‘Christian Right’, the Law and Order Party, that was hi-jacked by a bunch of knuckle draggers that can’t make it in today’s hi-tech, science believing world and are looking for ways to act out their ‘Militia Fantasies’. Will be interesting to see if our country is strong enough to survive the coming assault from Dotard’s well armed m...

After he lost the election, the Liar in Chief started The Big Lie, which his gullible, ignorant minions seized upon, eventually forming a a murderous mob that injured 140 Capitol police.

 Dotard, Sydney Powell, Rabid Rudy and the My Pillow Guy PROMISED us, for months, that hey had the evidence to PROVE the election was STOLEN. Surprise, it’s half a year later and the jerks(R) have ZERO evidence, but their moronic minions don’t give a shit. Facts have never mattered to that crowd, and never will. Their plan for future elections is to just steal the right to vote, from those they don’t want to vote, so their candidates can have the Stolen Elections that they accused the Dems of. Negating generations of ‘Get Out the Vote’, the ‘thieves with briefcases’ are trying to hijack the voting system and put their people in charge.It may be their(R) only hope. A Repub candidate for prez hasn’t won the popular vote for THIRTY TWO YEARS, for obvious reasons,  The House of Representatives recently passed the “For the People Act,” potentially the most important voting rights advance since the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Now in the Senate, the bill would expand and secure ballot ac...

A coincidence? Or just idiots....

 As we finally got enough vaccines, we have a new problem, as in morons who don’t want the vaccines. And who leads in these masses of morons? Well, it’s Mississippi, Arkansas, Georgia and Alabama. And what does it spell when you take the first letters of those states? MAGA. Wow, I’m shocked. The same Bible Belt, anti-science, FOXNews ‘Jeniusues’ who elected Dotard. And BTW, the LYING asshole(R) actually got vaccinated, he just didn’t admit it. Maybe he didn’t want his pasty, flabby arm photographed? OR, he just doesn’t give a shit about the morons who support him?

So Hypocritical as to be laughable.

  Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany was called out for hypocrisy on Tuesday for her latest attack on President Joe Biden , which completely ignored the behavior of her previous employer, former President Donald Trump .  “I think it’s the role of the president of the United States to stay back, to not inflame the tensions,” McEnany said on the air after Biden offered an opinion on Derek Chauvin ’s triaL OMG! Excuse me while I laugh my ass off......

It’s hard to comprehend, but Dotard is still the Pub’s ‘GoTo Guy’ if the election were held tomorrow.Lose the presidency, House, Senate and all moral guidelines?

No Problem! These are the sheep, and they ain’t known for their smarts, they can be very loyal. Get used to a guy’s lies and it’s hard to live without them. Luckily, they have Bullshit Mountain to take up the slack.   Trump’s centrality guarantees that large numbers of resentful, truth-denying, conspiracy-minded, anti-democratic, overwhelmingly white voters will continue to find aid and comfort in the Republican Party.

Sure too bad about Ted urgent, another Repub stooge who kissed Dotard’s ass and denied COVID19, saying it was a hoax.

  Rock musician Ted Nugent announced he has tested positive for the coronavirus in a Facebook live video in which he repeatedly used racist slurs to refer to COVID-19, spit on the floor and promoted anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.  “Everybody told me that I should not announce this,” the conservative rocker said in the video on Monday. Nugent, a staunch supporter of ex- President Donald Trump , previously called the pandemic a scam and has railed against public health restrictions. “I have had flu symptoms for the last 10 days. I thought I was dying. I mean, just a clusterfuck,” Nugent said in the video. “I got the Chinese shit.” 

Mike Lindell, a true moron(R), also known as My Pillow Guy, claims to be launching a platform to rival Amazon.

 For the gullible, ignorant jerks(R) who swallow that crap, he got ‘punked’ by a Trump impersonator. So funny, as the jerk shows what he’s made of. Lack of intelligent gray matter, that only his double digit IQ crowd can relate to. Nothing new here as the sheep gather round another idiot, who shows us all what a moron he is, continuing the Big Lie about a Stolen Election. It’s just reality, for the FOXNews crowd, and a big joke for those of us who rely on FACTS, which bounce off the the fact-proof  bubbles of the morons(R).

It’s not only the college educated voters, but all through the electorate Gallup shows a major shift toward the Democratic.Who da thunk after four years of Dotard’s LIES and fuck-ups....

  Earlier this month Gallup released data showing a sharp drop in the number of people who chose to identify as Republican in the first quarter of 2021.

Wow, who da thunk? College educated voters are switching to the Democratic Party in record numbers. Maybe cuz an educated voter can recognize a LIE, and is pissed off by the LIARS?

  At the beginning of this century, Republicans held an 11-point edge on party affiliation 

Just thought I’d pass along some ‘facts’ to those who get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, and are deprived of them, by their own political choice.

  The number of people who have died worldwide in the Covid-19 pandemic has surpassed three million, according to Johns Hopkins University. The milestone comes the day after the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned the world was "approaching the highest rate of infection" so far. OH, and BTW, you Pubs can still chant ‘We’re Number One!’, at over 560,000, if you’re talking about deaths, because of your boy’s LIES and incompetence. Pretty big numbers for a ‘Hoax’, right morons(R)?

If you can’t stand in front of a crowd, and LIE YOUR ASS OFF, you ain’t a true Republican, and it was proven again, yesterday.

  Josh Hawley Loves To Accuse Others Of Doing What He Actually Did The Missouri Republican says it’s Democrats who use mobs and tell big lies and try to overturn elections. Weird! We all remember Harley inciting Dotard’s riotous mob that stormed the Capitol, beating and killing those who tried to stop them, but now it’s the Democrat’s who are trying to overturn elections. Same old Repub bullshit, swallowed by the sheep, just like The Big Lie, told by Dotard and catapulted by FOX, to the ignorant masses who get their ‘news’ from a political propaganda source.

Roger Stone(R), the lying, piece of crap felon, got a pardon from Dotard, a fellow criminal, before he got to prison,

 BUT, the pardon isn’t gonna help as he’s charged with tax evasion, one of Mar A Lardo’s specialties. Get ‘em both in orange jumpsuits, where they belong. The Justice Department on Friday sued  Roger Stone , a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, accusing Stone and his wife ,  Nydia, of owing nearly $2 million in unpaid federal income taxes and fees. I’m sure your fellow inmates will be way impressed with the Richard Nixon tattoo on your back, when you’re bent over your cot.

I don’t like the idea of adding more justices to SCOTUS,

 BUT, I also don’t like the idea of McTurtleface deciding the Dems couldn’t add a member to the Court, ab out a year before the election, but the Pubs could add one a few weeks before the election. I don’t like the idea of thousands of immigrants crossing the Rio grande, BUT, I also don’t like the idea of Dotard nearly TOTALLY shutting down workers who want a better life, when we have MILLIONS of jobs that Americans don’t want and won’t do. I don’t like the idea of ‘defunding’ the police, but I also don’t like the fact that MANY cops kill people with impunity. I don’t like the idea of by-passing Congress to get huge spending bills through, BUT, when Dotard does a. $2 Trillion tax steal for his rich buddies, Joe oughta be able to get the same amount, over 8 years, for infrastructure. I don’t like the idea of anyone ‘taking the guns’, (which isn’t CLOSE to what the Dems want), and I also hate the fact that their have been 45 mass shootings in the US in the last month. We need common ...

BREAKING NEWS Liberty University has sued Jerry Falwell Jr. for $10 million, accusing its former president and chancellor of breach of contract and fiduciary duty. Friday, April 16, 2021

 OMG, the gullible sheep finally had enough? They realized their ‘Christian’ leader was/is nothing but an over-sexed, greedy Hypocrite who was sucking millions of dollars from their coffers. Wow, what’s next? They realize their hero, the Orange Clown is the same kind of criminal?

All of the network and cable news shows are showing major declines in their audiences, and everyone knows why.

 It’s like if a fat, orange baboon escaped from the zoo and went on a continual rampage across the city, protected by arcane laws that prevent shooting or capturing the beast. Every day brings new antics, from throwing feces to raping dogs, cats and even small children and old women. Then, imagine a contingent of whackjobs actually encouraging the beast and joining in the crime spree. Each day the news outlets would report on the day’s atrocities, with the audience saying OMG, can you believe that stuff? Every day would bring a new OMG moment as the deranged baboon got more out of control, encouraged by a crowd that egged it on, wearing orange caps in a sign of solidarity. The cable news shows would enjoy their time in the sun as the baboon’s reign of terror got continually worse, culminating in a mob of simians storming the local courthouse, killing and maiming guards and spreading their feces on the halls and walls as they searched for the inhabitants. An insane lynch mob, embold...

Great day, with heavy, wet snow coming down, and a couple mallards in the pond, UNTIL,

 a coyote came down the fairway, sniffed ‘em out and tried to sneak up on them. Would have missed the whole thing if I hadn’t seen Claire, our cat, freak out, while looking out the window from her perch. Real live Nature Channel, and it’s supposed to snow for a long time......Yahoo!

Twenty years ago, a bunch of Arabs and couple Afghani’s attacked the Twin Towers.

 GW and The Dick decided to attack Afghanistan and later Iraq (WTF?) to jack up the price of oil. FINALLY the govt, (Biden) has decided twenty years is long enough, or WAY too long. OF COURSE the Pubs are bitchin’, as always, whenever they aren’t in power, and the Dems do something good. Mar A Lardo is leading the chorus, from Casa Bellicosa, and the clowns at FOX are joining in, although the jerk(R) made withdrawal one of the main points of his campaign for prez. His only withdrawal was from porn stars, BUT, don’t confuse the Repubs with facts. They just can’t handle them, and would much rather just swallow the shit from Bullshit Mountain. Some things never change.

The ‘real’ news tells us that Biden has over a 60% approval rating, compared to Dotard who never got close to 50%.

 BUT, the shit shovelers at FOX, in charge of keeping the gullible sheep ignorant and uninformed have a different headline. Biden's partisan divide as wide as Trump's: poll 88% of GOP disapprove of job Biden’s doing as president And then they quote some outlier poll (Monmouth?) to back up their bullshit. Same old crap from the Propaganda Channel, where the sheep can say, ‘See Bubba, I done told ya Trump is better than Biden!’

Republicans say ignorant people shouldn't vote. I say go for it, starting with your own.

 Yup, start with the morons(R) who swallow all the crap from the Pathological Liar who says, ‘I love the uneducated’. And follow up with those who get their ‘news’ from the Propaganda Outlet with ONE goal in mind, and that is Deliver Repub Votes’. Best idea the jerks(R) have ever had, but unfortunately I don’t see how we can enforce it, when we have this.... ►According to a  Reuters poll,  6 in 10 Republicans believe former President Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election (although he lost by  over 7 million votes ); and about half of GOP voters believe the Jan. 6 Capitol attack was a left-wing "false flag" operation and/or a "peaceful protest" (although about  140 law enforcement officers were injured ,  one was killed  and two  died by suicide ).  PLUS, approx 50% of Pubs won’t get vaccinated for variety of dumbass reasons. How do you cull these morons(R) from the voting rolls? I don’t know, but sure would be ni...

Whew, here we are, five months after the Liar in Chief said he was ROBBED! The election was STOLEN!

 AND, the Pathological Liar was gonna give us PROOF. Always gonna be next week, or the the week after that. And My Pillow Guy, and Sydney Powell, and Rabid Rudy, and ALL of Bullshit Mountain was gonna give us PROOF! Well, who’s surprised that they are ALL full of shit! LIARS! But who didn’t know that? The only difference is that some of us CARE. The Pubs don’t give a shit.  Never have, never will. Led by a lying piece of shit, Donald F’ing Trump. And you wonder WHY I can’t stand ‘em(R)?

How do you deal with ignorance like this, when the Gov(R) of Texas says, “We are very close to having herd immunity’.

 We know that it is VERY important, as a society, to reach ‘herd immunity’, like we have with polio, to protect us all from COVID19 and it’s future variants. Well, the dumbass guv, who actually wields LOTS of power in the sate claims to be ‘very close’, to herd immunity. Texas is 19% vaccinated........ BTW, nearly every Pub I now has claimed, for over a year now, that COVID is WAY overrated, it’s not that big a deal, and they’ve DENIED that there would be further ‘surges’ (we are now on the fourth surge). COVID has killed over 560,000 Americans, more than were killed in Revolutionary War, WWI, WWII, Viet Nam, Korea, Iraq COMBINED, and only about 50% of white, Repub males have gotten, or are planning to get a vaccination. How do you reason with these dumbshits? The better question being, ‘Why should we?’ Bottom line, I can’t think of a better way to ‘thin the herd’ and make our species stronger. Thanks Dotard, for spreading your ignorance among your herd of gullible, ignorant morons...

After watching and listening to ‘real’ news about John Boehner’s book, and how he excoriates ‘Lucifer in the flesh, the most miserable ass-hole I’ve ever worked with, (ted Cruz),

 I wanted to see how the clowns at Bullshit Mountain handled it after Boehner called Cruz a dangerous asshole, who thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. Oh yeah, and John told Ted to ‘go f**k yourself’. Well, as is typical of the ‘news’ from the fake news, Repub propaganda network, the clowns just IGNORED it.  Yup, as always, the clowns just spew crap that can help the Repub party get votes, and this doesn’t fall into that category, SO, they just ignored it. I went through the entire FOX website online, (wow, that hurts) and saw Zilch. And you wonder WHY the sheep are so ignorant?

Here’s a question I’d like answered, by the morons(R) who swallow Dotard’s crap.


As Dotard tries to rewrite history, saying the rioters he incited to attack the Capitol were ‘harmless’, and were ‘hugging and kissing the cops’

 Most of his moronic supporters swallow his crap, but not all.  Some prominent Republicans, like former House Speaker John Boehner,  emphasize  Trump's role in the "bloody insurrection" (Trump "incited" it "for nothing more than selfish reasons, perpetuated by the bullshit he'd been shoveling since he lost a fair election the previous November," Boehner asserted.)

Trump says, ‘What the GOP needs is more Trumpism’, and I REALLY hope they follow the dumbshit’s advice.

 I think they oughta unify behinds the jerk(R) that cost them the Senate, House and presidency. They should mindlessly back Dotard, who attacked Pence and called McTurtleface a ‘dumb son of a bitch’.  Please, you ignorant sheep, get behind the Russian backed, pussy grabbing Pathological Liar. Send MORE of your money to the LOSER who incites riots and insurrections, cuz he needs the cash to fight all the lawsuits, since he’s n longer protected by his ‘presidential’ status. Go ahead, you morons(R), make sure he’s your boy, again in 2024.  You know Jesus wants Trump for President!

There’s a reason they’re called sheep. I’m just surprised the morons had any money for Dotard to steal.


The Pubs are bitching (I’m shocked!) over Biden’s Infrastructure bill.

 Well, maybe if Dotard had done ANYTHING other than promise ‘Next Week’ on infrastructure, we wouldn’t be SO FAR in the hole. But, like his(R) fictional Health Care Bill, also always ‘next week’, for five years, it was all just lies and bullshit, his(R) specialty. Now, when someone wants to actually DO something, it’s too much money for the bitchin’ Pubs, although it’s the same amount as their tax give away to the super rich, and spread over eight years, not one, like the raid on the US Treasury, in one year, for Dotard’s buddies. Nothing new here, but it gets SO old as the Pubs get ‘fiscally responsible’ (obstructive) only when they’re out of office. Shut up. You LOST!

It’s the same old crap from the same bad actors.

 And when I say ‘Bad actor’, I mean it. Tucker Carlson, known for having ‘the most punchable face’, is spewing his crap and the sheep are eating it up, as always. It’s the same old message, designed to fire up the redneck constituency like nothing else. Never mind that it’s total bullshit, it works for the double digit IQ crowd that consistently votes (R). THEY’RE GONNA TAKE YOUR GUNS! Who is gonna take ;em? The police and sheriff’s dept in Colorado won’t even follow the law and enforce the oversized magazine laws or the Red Flag warnings which say firearms should be removed from someone who is exhibiting behavior that could be harmful to himself or others. So WHO is gonna take the guns from people who want to keep them? A bunch of tree huggers?  No one better try to take MY guns! And there is NO WAY anyone would try, cuz the gun owners have all the power in this argument. But that doesn’t stop the Liars(R) from riling up their moronic base with the same old shit. Tucker Carls...

The Repub game plan is painfully obvious. They will do anything and everything can to get Joe Biden to fail.

 And if that means taking down the country, and the people within, so be it. Republicans have been having a hard time explaining why they oppose President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan, which is supported by a considerable majority of the people. Their real motives aren’t a mystery. They want Biden to fail, just as they wanted President Barack Obama to fail, and will once again offer scorched-earth opposition to anything a Democratic president proposes. And they’re especially opposed to public programs that might prove popular, and thereby help legitimize activist government in voters’ minds. But laying out those true motives wouldn’t play well with the electorate, so they’ve been looking for alternative attack lines. And in the past few days many Republicans seem to have settled on the claim that most of the proposed spending isn’t really infrastructure. If it doesn’t involve pouring concrete, it’s not infrastructure, and therefor they’re AGAINST it. I’d explain the fallacy of th...

A couple of facts about Matt Gaetz, the loud mouthed Trump supporter that everyone loves to hate.

  As it stands, Gaetz is a spectacularly unproductive Florida Republican who never managed, during his first two terms in the House, to get  a single bill that he sponsored signed into law . (We are still crossing our fingers for  that post-office-naming he co-sponsored .) Meanwhile,  by Forbes’s count , he has appeared on Fox News at least 179 times since taking office. Bottom line, too busy at Bullshit Mountain flinging crap to the sheep, to actually get anything done, except kiss Dotard’s fat, white ass. In other words, a typical Republican.