The clowns/professional LIARS at FOX claim Biden ‘has no mandate’ and because of that, will fail.

 These are the same jerks(R) who trumpeted Dotard’s ‘mandate’ and used that logic to support his bullshit.

Just a little history here, for those who forgot, or never the facts, cuz they get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain.

Trump LOST the popular vote, in 2016 AND in 2020, when he also lost the Electoral College. He won the EC in 2016, by a TOTAL of about 180,000 votes, spread over three states in the Rust Belt, when they swallowed his LIES, while LOSING the popular vote.

Now, in typical FOXCrap ‘news’ the clowns are claiming Dotard had a mandate, but Biden doesn’t.

What? Do they just figure the typical gullible, ignorant sheep who swallows FOXCrap doesn’t even know what ‘mandate’ means/ Well, they’re probably right. Big, complicated word for the uneducated.....

Liz Peek: Biden has no mandate-Why he will fail


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