Some TRUTH here, that the sheep just cant handle.

 Because their boy, Dotard, TOTALLY blew the response to the pandemic, by LYING and ignoring reality, and they are Repubs, like the Moron in charge, they choose to continue the insanity, and act like, ‘We don’t need no stinking’ vaccinations’.

Typical rightwingnut, science-denying reality.

The FACT of over 560,000 deaths in the US doesn’t phase these morons(R), cuz they’ve made it a political issue, vs, scientific.

Typical rightwing, moronic mentality.

Three million world-wide deaths and more dead than from all of our US wars. And the morons STILL refuse to admit reality.

That’s the view from deep inside their ‘head up their ass’.

If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.


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