I don’t like the idea of adding more justices to SCOTUS,

 BUT, I also don’t like the idea of McTurtleface deciding the Dems couldn’t add a member to the Court, ab out a year before the election, but the Pubs could add one a few weeks before the election.

I don’t like the idea of thousands of immigrants crossing the Rio grande, BUT, I also don’t like the idea of Dotard nearly TOTALLY shutting down workers who want a better life, when we have MILLIONS of jobs that Americans don’t want and won’t do.

I don’t like the idea of ‘defunding’ the police, but I also don’t like the fact that MANY cops kill people with impunity.

I don’t like the idea of by-passing Congress to get huge spending bills through, BUT, when Dotard does a. $2 Trillion tax steal for his rich buddies, Joe oughta be able to get the same amount, over 8 years, for infrastructure.

I don’t like the idea of anyone ‘taking the guns’, (which isn’t CLOSE to what the Dems want), and I also hate the fact that their have been 45 mass shootings in the US in the last month. We need common sense gun rules, which a YUUUGE majority of Americans agree on, without the NRA/Pubs screaming about (they’re gonna take your guns!).

But, what I REALLY hate is the assholes(R) at FOX ‘news’ taking those issues and LYING their asses off, to their gullible, ignorant listeners who hear ONE side of the story and rampage with their double digit IQ buddies against anything that is non-Repub propaganda.

Same old shit, as the Bullshit Mountain assholes(R) take complex issues and boil them down to a bunch of LIES and preach to the sheep who swallow their shit as FACT. It gets SO old.......


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