After watching and listening to ‘real’ news about John Boehner’s book, and how he excoriates ‘Lucifer in the flesh, the most miserable ass-hole I’ve ever worked with, (ted Cruz),

 I wanted to see how the clowns at Bullshit Mountain handled it after Boehner called Cruz a dangerous asshole, who thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. Oh yeah, and John told Ted to ‘go f**k yourself’.

Well, as is typical of the ‘news’ from the fake news, Repub propaganda network, the clowns just IGNORED it. 

Yup, as always, the clowns just spew crap that can help the Repub party get votes, and this doesn’t fall into that category, SO, they just ignored it. I went through the entire FOX website online, (wow, that hurts) and saw Zilch.

And you wonder WHY the sheep are so ignorant?


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