File it under, ‘OMG, just when you think the asshole can’t possible get any worse’.....

The GOP had to refund over $122 million to donors who didn’t ‘check the box’, so their donation didn’t become a monthly, and then a WEEKLY recurrence. Those morons(R) who get their ‘news’ from FOX aren’t aware of this fraud by Dotard, but should Google it, so they realize just what kind of crook/conman they are hooked up with. Now, after getting busted, they are re-wording the ‘Donation’ paperwork, saying they will be Defectors, if they don’t sign on for recurring charges.

OMG, What kind of morons sign on for this crap? Oh yeah, the gullible, ignorant sheep. LMFAO!

 April 7, 2021

The political arm of House Republicans is deploying a prechecked box to enroll donors into repeating monthly donations — and using ominous language to warn them of the consequences if they opt out: “If you UNCHECK this box, we will have to tell Trump you’re a DEFECTOR.”

The language appears to be an effort by the National Republican Congressional Committee to increase its volume of recurring donations, which are highly lucrative, while invoking former President Donald J. Trump’s popularity with the conservative base. Those donors who do not proactively uncheck the box will have their credit cards billed or bank accounts deducted for donations every month.

The prechecked recurring box on the N.R.C.C.’s WinRed donation page


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