Ooooooh, this is really gonna hurt FOXNews and the gullible, ignorant sheep who swallow their crap. Imagine, getting called out for ‘false reporting’. Who da thunk?

 Juan Williams, co-host of The Five on Fox News, called out the network on Tuesday for its recent repeated coverage of false stories. This was in the context of discussing the unsubstantiated story that current climate czar John Kerry allegedly gave classified Israeli information to Iran when he was secretary of State under President Obama, which Kerry denies. Williams suggested using caution when reporting on the story, pointing to two recent narratives that got a lot of airtime on Fox News that turned out to be untrue.

If the assholes(R) at FOX couldn’t report LIES they’d lose half their audience, who tune in just to hear what they want to hear. Which is LIES about the big, bad Dems, who STOLE the election, although, five months after the election they have ZERO proof.

Does that concern the gullible, ignorant sheep? 

OF COURSE NOT! Truth and facts have never mattered to the morons. Just look at the 30,000+ LIES from the Liar in Chief, the Orange Clown of Mar A Lardo. Their HERO.

Or, you know, it’s always, ‘Kamala Harris’s book is being given to immigrants.’ These stories are false,” Williams said, “but the right wing echo chamber starts going crazy because you can go after a Democrat.”

As for the Kerry story, Williams pointed out that even staunch Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is unsure of the validity of the allegations.

“On this story, I think it’s important that you notice that people like Lindsey Graham, you know, strong Republican voice out of South Carolina, says he doesn’t know whether or not we can trust this so-called tape,” Williams said. “saying that the timeline is way off."


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