It seems that morons(R) don’t like being called morons. Well, you morons, you have a better word?

 These are the same people that buy lottery tickets. The people who don’t understand math or ODDS.

Thankfully, these are the same idiots who finance our parks and Wilderness Areas, here in Colorado, hoping they can be the ‘one in 17 Million’ who will get rich, without working, or understanding math.

Who says Republicans are worthless?


mawr-on ]


Informala person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment:
A person who thinks the one in 7 million odds of a bad inoculation overrides the one in a thousand chance of getting COVID.
Reminds me of the song lyric, ‘The world is full of stupid people’. And, BTW, most of them vote straight Republican, as they say ‘God will protect me!’, and go buy another Assault Weapon.
And it all makes sense to the morons(R) who think Jesus sent Donald F’ing Trump.


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