The Repub game plan is painfully obvious. They will do anything and everything can to get Joe Biden to fail.

 And if that means taking down the country, and the people within, so be it.

Republicans have been having a hard time explaining why they oppose President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan, which is supported by a considerable majority of the people.

Their real motives aren’t a mystery. They want Biden to fail, just as they wanted President Barack Obama to fail, and will once again offer scorched-earth opposition to anything a Democratic president proposes. And they’re especially opposed to public programs that might prove popular, and thereby help legitimize activist government in voters’ minds.

But laying out those true motives wouldn’t play well with the electorate, so they’ve been looking for alternative attack lines. And in the past few days many Republicans seem to have settled on the claim that most of the proposed spending isn’t really infrastructure.

If it doesn’t involve pouring concrete, it’s not infrastructure, and therefor they’re AGAINST it.

I’d explain the fallacy of this, but why? The sheep(R) want Biden to fail, and if it means hurting the people, so be it......


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