As always, the Pubs are relying on their base, and the fact they don’t understand basic MATH, to fight Biden’s policies.

 These are the same ‘jeniuses’ who spend their last dollars on a Lottery, where their odds are less than one in 17,000,00. The same sheep who don’t understand that there are over 55 YUUUGE companies that pay ZERO tax, while the lowest earners pay over 20%. And hundreds of billions in tax will be paid as the corporate tax rate is raised from 36 to 38%.

BUT, the Pubs are screaming cuz the one percent who got trillions in tax breaks, from Dotard, for his buddies, are being asked to pay more, OR, what they paid before.

The Bible Belt trailer renters, wrapped in flags, are bitching, not knowing its against their own interests.

THe same morons who don’t get vaccinated, cuz Dotard didn’t. But he DID. 

Nohing new here, as the sheep are bamboozled, cuz they get their ‘news’ from FOX, the Repub Propaganda Network.


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