The Pubs thought they won, by signing anti-vote bills, behind locked doors in GA, BUT.....

There is still justice in the world today, no matter what McTurtleface and the anti-vote jerks(R) in GA had planned, in their only hope to win the next election. Cheat and lie.

Welcome to Colorado, Major League Baseball, and the All Star Game.

Can you say ‘F**k You Repubs?’

Who da thunk you couldn’t Steal the Vote?

The Big Lie, spouted by Dotard and FOX was gonna become reality for the Pubs in GA, BUT....

Screw you Dotard and the ignorant, gullible sheep you depend on. Shine a light on the cockroaches(R), and they scurry away.

Bottom line, crime doesn’t pay, and we’re seeing it play out. 

Who da thunk?

BTW, it is SO nice to unload here, on my Blog, so I don’t have to deal with the assholes(R) in my real life.


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