After Dotard was kicked off of Twitter and Facebook, (think about it morons(R), the D-bag claimed he was gonna stars his own platform.

 Just another LIE, like the 30,000 other documented LIES from the mouth of the PIG.

BUT, that doesn’t stop the gullible, ignorant sheep from hanging on his every word, swallowing his crap, and ignoring the truth.

Nothing new here for the double digit IQ crowd among us. The bad news? Their votes count the same as those who have a grasp on reality.

SO, let the morons(R) swallow the crap about a ‘Stolen Election’, while the rest of us laugh our asses off cuz they’ve had six months for their ‘Evidence’ and the morons(R) have ZERO!

Nothing new here as the gullible, ignorant sheep continue to swallow the shit that FOX shovels to the ‘intellectually challenged’ among us. Otherwise known as FOXNews sheep, where ‘facts just don’t matter’.


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