Twenty years ago, a bunch of Arabs and couple Afghani’s attacked the Twin Towers.

 GW and The Dick decided to attack Afghanistan and later Iraq (WTF?) to jack up the price of oil.

FINALLY the govt, (Biden) has decided twenty years is long enough, or WAY too long.

OF COURSE the Pubs are bitchin’, as always, whenever they aren’t in power, and the Dems do something good.

Mar A Lardo is leading the chorus, from Casa Bellicosa, and the clowns at FOX are joining in, although the jerk(R) made withdrawal one of the main points of his campaign for prez.

His only withdrawal was from porn stars, BUT, don’t confuse the Repubs with facts.

They just can’t handle them, and would much rather just swallow the shit from Bullshit Mountain.

Some things never change.


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