Pubs are famous, for perpetuating lies,

and one of the biggest is, 'We are the most fiscally responsible, and the best business party'. That is such a joke. Just look at the US under Clinton(D), then the HUGE mess under Bush(R), and now the sustained recovery under Obama(D).
An even more obvious turn-around was in California, which nearly went bankrupt under many years of Repub 'leadership', (Schwartzegger), then the total turn around under Jerry Berry Brown(D). From near worst to near first.
The sheep love to listen to FOX, the Political Arm of the Repub Party (PARP), where lies are repeated until the flock accepts them as truth. AND, if you live in a Red State, things may well be bleak. BUT, look at ANY form of measurement and the Pubs are exposed as what they are. TERRIBLE managers of business, finance, foreign policy and the general economy. Even a double digit IQ rightwingnut should be able to see that, unless they are willfully ignorant, which is VERY common...


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