60 Minutes this week

featured the 'missing' 28 pages of the 9-11 report. The last 28 pages, had the conclusions of the committee, that were 'classified' (buried) by the Bushies. Those few Congressmen who have read them say that there is proof that the 15 Saudis, (of the total of 19 hijackers) were supported and financed by wealthy Saudis, some in the govt, while they got pilot training, while speaking no English. They have the names, times and places, BUT, GW and The DIck wanted to attack Afg and esp Iraq, SO, the real perpetrators were hidden, and the Bushies got their war.
Nothing new here for those of us who already knew, and those who prefer to remain 'willfully ignorant' won't care. BUT, it is nice to know that the proof 'is out there', and maybe someday we can see it, but I doubt it. The Pubs have WAY too much power for them to allow the 'smoking gun' of the Bush Wars to be released, but 60 Minutes gave us a nice peek.


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