In spite of having ZERO credentials,

Wayne Simmons appeared on FOX 'news'(?), dozens of times, continually trashing Obama and the Dems, claiming to be ex-CIA. Bullshit Mountain welcomed him, cuz, like most of their X-spurts, (x=unknown, spurt=drip under pressure), he could be counted on to say what the sheep wanted to hear. And, as usual, FOX didn't/doesn't give a shit about facts.
Yesterday, Simmons pleaded guilty to impersonating a CIA official and could get 40 years in prison, and FOX/PARP continues it's tradition of doing/saying/showing ANYTHING to get Pubs elected.
It's their JOB, man, and they used to be good at it. Now they have The Donald and Slimy McSlimeface to work with. Time to bring out the BIG guns. I'm sure they'll think of something. They always do. Oh yeah, they've still got BENGHAZI! and 'Private Server', and "America has been ruined by a foreign born Muslim who hates our country', plus there's always the 'War on Christians'.
Never mind, they pave PLENTY of ammo for the sheep, who don't give a shit that it's all bogus, as long as they know where to come for their daily load of crap.
FOXNews, what a joke.


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