If you wonder how stupid and wasteful

the 'system' is, just look at the lawyers who made nearly TEN million dollars prosecuting James Holmes, the sick shooter who killed a bunch of people at the Aurora theater a few years ago, and readily admitted it. Yup, the cops and lawyers, (our HEROES), got paid millions to prove something he admitted. Just like Columbine, where SWAT teams hid in the parking lot while kids and teachers bled to death, the 'system' showed up to bill the school district 'millions' to prove the two shooters, who committed suicide, actually did it.
Total assholes, who feed at the public trough, paid by our taxes, have learned they can legally 'bleed the beast', instead of doing worthwhile work. Nothing new here, but sickening, just the same, as lawyers (lower than whale shit) 'milk the system' as always....


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