With timeless language, 'The Bard' perfectly describes The Donald
"A tale of sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying nothing." The indelible phrase is from Macbeth, Shakespeare's drama of a megalomaniac whose bloody ambition and untethered soul tears apart his country. But it perfectly captures Donald Trump's campaign for president.
However, I would disagree, somewhat. It does signify SOMETHING. It shows us how far 'out there' a segment(R) of our society actually is. To me, it is truly frightening that MILLIONS of Americans(R) can look at The Donald and say, 'Yup, that's who I want as the President of MY country '. UNbelievable, but SO Republican, and representative of what a thorough brain-washing, by the X-spurts at FOXNews, can accomplish, as they preach that our country has been 'wrecked', totally ignoring what GW and The Dick did to us, as compared to NOW.
However, I would disagree, somewhat. It does signify SOMETHING. It shows us how far 'out there' a segment(R) of our society actually is. To me, it is truly frightening that MILLIONS of Americans(R) can look at The Donald and say, 'Yup, that's who I want as the President of MY country '. UNbelievable, but SO Republican, and representative of what a thorough brain-washing, by the X-spurts at FOXNews, can accomplish, as they preach that our country has been 'wrecked', totally ignoring what GW and The Dick did to us, as compared to NOW.