Good article here, that you can read,
or I'll condense it for you. The Donald, who is decimating the Pub party was created by them, not only with their lies and 'fear and hate' speech, but also by the Pubs in Congress. After GW and The Dick totally wrecked the US economy, Obama and the Dems tried to get MANY bills passed that would help working Americans. The Pubs killed all of them. (read article for specifics).  Now, those same disenfranchised workers, mostly white, middle aged, non-college educated are PISSED, and they're ready to listen to Trump.
Again, nothing new for those of us who already knew, and those who choose to remain 'willfully ignorant' won't care, but nice to see it documented so well.
Too bad, so sad as we witness the crash of a once proud, formerly respectable party, killed by their own obstructionism. Good riddance..
Just a thought here. Is being 'willfully ignorant' better or worse than being just plain ignorant? A question I often ponder as I think of my acquaintances(R), who 'just don't get it', and refuse to face obvious facts. Bottom line, ignorance is ignorance.


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