One of the loudest, most consistently WRONG rightwingnuts in the Denver area,

Mike Rosen, had a column today, warning about electing 'Unqualified Candidates' and I thought 'wow, maybe he pulled his head out of his ass and is against Trump'. Nope, he's FOR Citizen's United, and corporate money in politics. and AGAINST:
those who lobby for liberal causes, groups such as industrial labor unions, teacher unions, government employees associations, gun-controllers, radical enviromentalists, the ACLU, plaintiffs' attorneys, the NAACP, La Raza, NOW, Planned Parenthood, any number of liberal think tanks, etc.
Yup, typical Repub, who doesn't have clue and PROUD of it.  Nothing new here, but most of 'em aren't so OBVIOUS.
Other rightwingnut 'wisdom', from FOX today, 'Judge Jeanine: Hillary Has No Chance of Winning in November'. Yup, gotta keep them sheep informed.... 
PS, I didn't waste my time reading who the prez would be, according to Bullshit Mountain, but I bet it was really funny. FOXNews. What a joke.


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