The Pubs really love their 'labels'

and havbe a huge problems cuz Obama doesn't use "Islamic Terrorist' against all bombers. They also love to scream 'Socialist' when denigrating Bernie Sanders. These same old farts love their Medicare and Social Security, while being protected by the police and fire dept, ALL of which are pure Socialism. Don't tell the rightwingnuts that, cuz they are indoctrinated to respond after certain 'dog whistle' words. FOX keeps them all riled and scared just repeating certain buzzwords. Patriot, family values, War on Christians, Freedom, Constitution, etc gets them all moist and warm and fuzzy. Just say 'Socialist' and they come all un-glued. If only life were that simple, BUT, Bullshit Mountain has found a way to reach the low-info, low-education voter. Just say the right buzzwords and the sheep run to the ballot box. My congrats to Murdoch/Ailes who found a way to sway elections, reaching out to the 'fact-challenged' masses(R). Sad, but true....


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