File it under, 'Duh, it's about time'


DEA gives approval to Colorado-funded study on marijuana and PTSD

The Denver Post had a good article this morning,
about studies that show cannabis is an excellent med to treat the PTSD that SO many vets come home with. Yup, in Pub world, they'll send your ass to a foreign country, invaded cuz of Repub LIES, then throw your ass in jail for relieving the stress with a naturally occurring herb that the vets themselves say works best. The govt will give you opiates, that are KNOWN to be dangerous, habit-forming and lethal, but get caught with pot, in a Red State, and you'll be prosecuted.
Finally, Colorado and couple other states are making it legal to do the actual medical studies that are needed to find the truth, as Pub states still consider it a Schedule 1 drug, and prosecute accordingly, though 58% of US citizens think it should be legal.
And they(R) wonder WHY they're a dying breed. As always, they'll EVENTUALLY come around to reality, after the rightwingnuts are dragged, kicking and screaming into fact-based modern society, as they typically create a HUGE problem, then fight all efforts to fix it, and bitch about those who are left to clean up their 'steaming piles', cuz they don't do it 'fast enough'. Nothing new here, but sickening just the same. Have I ever mentioned how I can't stand 'em(R)?


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