A few facts about Jeff Sessions, our next Atty Gen, from Wikipedia

 Sessions said he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot". 

Sessions supported the Iraq War, and a proposed national amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Sessions was born in Selma, Alabama on December 24, 1946,[1] the son of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, Jr.

Sessions' office investigated the 1981 killing of Michael Donald, a young African-American man who was murdered in Mobile, Alabama by a pair of Ku Klux Klan members.[11][12] Session's office did not prosecute the case, but both men were arrested and convicted.[13]

Asst AL Atty GenThomas Figures said that Sessions had called him "boy," He also testified that "Mr. Sessions admonished me to 'be careful what you say to white folks.'"[25]

Because of his alleged racism, Sessions became only the second nominee to the federal judiciary in 48 years whose nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.[22]

In 2005, Sessions spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C. in favor of the War in Iraq organized in opposition to an anti-war protest held the day before. Sessions said of the anti-war protesters: "The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world. I frankly don't know what they represent, other than to blame America first."[43] The same year, he opposed legislation by Senator John McCain prohibiting the US military from engaging in torture; the amendment passed 90-9.[44]

Many say his main qualification is that Sessions was an early supporter of the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump.37] Sessions donned a "Make America Great Again" cap at a Trump rally in August 2015. 

Sessions is against legalizing cannabis for either recreational or medicinal use. "I’m a big fan of the DEA", he said during a hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee.[76] Sessions was "heartbroken" and found "it beyond comprehension" when President Obama claimed that cannabis is not as dangerous as alcohol.[77]

And so it continues, in the Trump-era.


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