File it under 'Duh, what's new?'

After near-total obstructionism for the last several years, incl not even allowing a vote on MANY important judgeships, incl the Supreme Ct, the Pubs are now saying they will STILL not allow those votes, if/when Hillary wins, but will also immediately start impeachment proceedings and tie up her administration with lawsuits.
Sickening, but SO Republican, as we see the death throes of a dying party. Interesting article on AOL, this morning.
THE EDITORIAL BOARD Republicans are indicating that if they can't gain control of government fairly, they'll simply undermine it.
Donald Trump and other embattled Republican candidates are resorting to a particularly bizarre and dangerous tactic in the closing days of the campaign — warning that they may well seek to impeach Hillary Clinton if she wins, or, short of that, tie her up with endless investigations and other delaying tactics.
Of all the arguments advanced by the Trump forces, this has to be among the most preposterous. In effect, what they’re saying is, Mrs. Clinton won’t be able to govern, because we won’t let her. So don’t waste your vote on her. Vote for us.
In a rational world — you know, one that values comity and progress in the national interest — this line of argument would be seen as incendiary at worst and hopelessly wacky at best. Not so in Trumpland, where they threaten to 'take down' the government if they lose.
(click on link above to read more)


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