Am still kinda numb, but the reality is starting to sink in

I thought the main problem this morning would be the rightwingnut militias taking to the streets after a Hillary victory and my plea would be to 'suck it up and respect what the people voted for'. SO, I am gonna try to do exactly that. Not gonna be easy, but will stick with my new philosophy of being positive.
The sun DID come up this morning and the markets that were WAY down have come back. Am hoping that Donald will implement the good parts of his plan, (there are some) and back off the stupid parts, like deporting 14 million people. I have mixed feelings on a Big Beautiful Wall.... Putin and Russia are a little TOO happy, but communication is always better than conflict.
There's an Oriental saying that says, 'may you live in interesting times', and I think we are there. Just HOW interesting remains to be seen.
I think of ALL the bad stuff I endured last night, the WORST was seeing the people (OMG!, Rudi Giuliani) that The Donald brought up on stage and who will be rewarded in his administration. I can only hope our country is strong enough to survive, but, bottom line, it's not gonna affect MY life that much, other than possibly going bald, from pulling my hair out, watching the rightwingnuts take over.
I have a feeling the numbness is gonna subside and am not sure which emotion will take over next.


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