As I slowly woke up this morning,

I turned on TV and caught a live Trump rally in Florida. OMG! How many lies can you pack into one speech? AND, do the sheep not know they're being lied to, or do they just not care? You'd think the country was in the middle of the Great Depression, (sorta like 2008 after GW), and we were being overrun by terrorists with anarchy in the streets, to hear The Donald talk.
The crowd went crazy, chanting "Lock Her Up', as he promised to indict Hillary as soon as he's elected, and promised JOBS, cuz he's gonna cancel NAFTA and 'All Those Other' trade agreements, AND re-open the coal mines.
Again, do the sheep not know this is just bullshit, or don't they care?

I saw Obama on 'Real Time' last night and he acknowledged that 'I'd hate me too, if I watched and believed FOXNews. (Yup, he called out FOX), and said, they present news 'through a screen', like a Fun-House mirror'. Good analogy, as the low-info, low-education sheep get a distorted view of the world, BUT, they don't KNOW that. They think that ONLY FOX/PARP tells the truth, and all the other 'real' news outlets lie.
You can't reach anyone with logic or rationality once they've made the choice to believe FOX, and it's killing our country. Want proof? The Repub party has Donald Trump as it's candidate as the sheep believe that the Dems are gonna, 'Take Our Guns!' Again, you can't fight ignorance like that with facts...


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