Nothing new here, but now it's getting publicity?

The FOXNews clowns are always making up crap, and the sheep swallow it, but, for some reason they're 'getting called on it' recently. What up?
Sean Hannity admitted on Tuesday that he used false information in making his case that President Obama is destined for jail.
Earlier that day, during the radio broadcast of the 'Sean Hannity Show,' he used fake news that the president, the first lady, and Elizabeth Warren had scrubbed Hillary Clinton references from their Twitter feeds.
WOW, I'm SHOCKED! Bullshit Mountain is spreading lies! Who da thunk?
I'm sure it'll only get worse, as we near the election and the Pubs are desperate.
(See next blog post about 'news' from FOX and WSJ, that is total bullshit, but swallowed by the sheep.)


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