Needed a break, from the whole election BS,

SO, went golfing today, and had a GREAT time, in perfect weather, with good friends. Now, it's back to the real world, as the rightwingnuts try to steal MY country. Hopefully my instincts are right and it won't even be close,
I just can't believe there are THAT MANY stupid people in the country, BUT, we saw what happened in 2000, and then AGAIN in 2004, SO it's possible,,,,, but not likely. The thought of PRESIDENT Trump is just beyond my imagination, although it seems like the Evangelicals love the idea of hastening the Apocalypse, and are jumping on the Trump wagon. How else could you explain 'Christians for Trump'? Absolutely insane, but SO Republican, as the sheep don't have a clue. Never have, never will, as long as they believe the crap from FOX.


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