As always, when we get together with the kids,

politics (which we all agree on), come up, esp 2 days before the election. Part of the conversation is always, 'How can ANYONE think Trump is presidential?'
Kari mentioned this article, and then forwarded it to me. It explains a LOT, about the dif between Red vs Blue and Dem vs Pub. According to this author, it's more about rural vs urban, and there's a LOT of good stuff in the article, that I hadn't really considered. Check it out, to help explain the 'Great Divide', in our country.
I would add, the 'Divide' is also about those who believe the Bible is 'literal' truth, and FOX is 'real' news, (but that is NOT part of the article). Good story, that explains a LOT. Click on it.


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