I'm going out on a limb, here,

4 days before the election, and predicting there will be a November SURPRISE in the next few days. It will either be in the form of The Big Lie from the Pubs (remember the Swift Boat Captains, who weren't?) or it will be in the form of  'hacks' which could be from anyone, incl the Russians, who desperately want Trump to win, and whatever misinformation is 'out there', I guarantee FOXNews will do ALL THEY CAN to promote it and steal the election for the Pubs.
Yup, 4 days from Tuesday, I'm going 'on the record', that the Pubs will come up with A BIG LIE, to influence the low-info sheep. Anyone wanna bet?
Also, am predicting that WHEN they lose, the Pubs will go into MASS OBSTRUCTIONISM, to thoroughly gum up/shut down the govt, in a temper tantrum of epic proportions.
Actually, that 'prediction' is really easy to make, cuz the sleazeballs(R) have already said they would.
I can't wait, for the 'not too distant' future, when the Party of NO! is nothing but a bad memory.
Just wait 'til after the election, and the clowns start playing the 'blame game'.
Should be REALLY fun to watch and laugh at, as their 'base', consisting of Bible Belt, anti-science, non-college educated, angry, old, white men continues to be a rapidly shrinking demographic.
Wow, who could see THAT coming?


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