As part of our tour, last year,

we were in Florence, again, right after they finished filming 'Inferno', the Dan Brown novel that followed 'The DaVinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons'. Our guide told us certain parts to look for and it was cool when we saw the movie (yesterday), that also took place in Venice and Istanbul.
Saw it in 'Dolby Surround', (like IMAX) which was pretty amazing, but probably not worth the extra money.
Istanbul is definitely on the list for future travels. A passage between East and West, old and new. As always, can't think of a better way to spend money than to travel. Nothing even close...
Sure beats sitting on a couch, listening to FOXNews and bitching about how the world doesn't respect the US, like they SHOULD,
Not a 'Must See' movie, but an entertaining travelogue.


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