Can you imagine, how the Pubs would bitch,

if Hillary REFUSED to release her taxes? OMG!
BUT, their boy is DIFFERENT, as he brags about 'grabbing pussy'.
Logic is GONE at this point, as the 'false equivalency of Trump's LIES, are so FAR off the chart compared to Hillary's.
Bottom line, if you can look at Trump and say, 'Yup, he's presidential', I don't need you in my life.
I'm allergic to STUPID, and not even close to being apologetic about it.
Am WAY too old, experienced and well-informed to put up with FOX/PARP, Repub bullshit.
Hasta la vista, idiots, and I don't/won't MISS you, at all. 
Life is too short to put up with your kind of insanity.


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