I'm trying, I really am

to look for any silver lining as Trump takes over. Washington HAS been broken (cuz of the Pubs), and America could be better. Let's HOPE something good comes out of this disaster, as we turn over the 'ship of state' to someone who's never even been in a rowboat'. GOOD LUCK!
Bottom line, nothing I can do at this point, and it's not gonna change my life. I'm old and I'm set to ease on out of here, Trump or not.
BUT, it's gonna be hard to watch. Rudy Giuliani as Atty Gen? That is SO insane....
Luckily I live in Colorado, and can just sit back and watch the carnage, as those with options choose to move HERE, for the good life. Again, I admit I haven't see the anger and frustration of those who have been left behind, cuz they didn't choose to get an education and move to where the jobs are, as they listen to FOXNews, and bitch and moan.
As I said, the Oriental saying goes, 'May you live in interesting times', and I think we are there.
Who knows, maybe it will all work out? Good luck, with the Orange Clown in charge...


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