For anyone who can't understand

how Trump(R) is SO ahead in the rural areas, I can only TRY to explain my experience in my hometown, Kearney, NE. THey have a local paper, the Hub, and the BIG paper from Omaha, the Herald, and they are both HUUUGE Repub propaganda hurlers. Then you have the TV channels (3), and they ALL lean totally Repub. Plus, the farmers all watch FOXNews, religiusly, as the church leaders preach everlasting fire and damnation for anyone who votes Democratic. Seriously.
Am pretty sure this is typical for rural America, which is Trump country, without a doubt. And then you have the 'educated' areas, like Lincoln and Omaha, that is Dem country. Am sure this is typical throughout the country. Educated vs rural, who get their $$ from Repub corn subsidies. Easy to understand, IF you try.
My parents, who claimed to be NON-political, automatically voted Repub, because WE ALWAYS HAVE, and that was good enough for them. Typical rural voters, which is the Pub base, incl the Bible Belt, which is Pub, FOREVER!
Some things never change, until they DO. Which is soon, as education and information take over from TRADITION.


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