Hard to believe, but I'm gonna take some advice,

from a Repub. Don't remember who said it, but some old Pub said something like, 'If you're gonna be raped, just lay back and enjoy it'.
I'm looking at the next 4 years as a rape-job, SO, in my effort to maintain my sanity, I'm gonna TRY to look for SOME good. Today's headlines say Trump is backing off on prosecuting Hillary, dumping the Paris Climate Accord proposals, and is re-thinking his stance on torture. Wow, that's a start.
And, he's supposedly looking at Mitt Romney as Sec of State. Plus, he hasn't appointed 'America's Moron', Rudy Giuliani to any position of power, YET.
SO, I'm just gonna lay back and enjoy it, cuz SO FAR, it's not as bad as I thought it would be, and, I just realized something tha gives me hope. Trump's NOT really a Republican. He ran against them nearly as much as he ran against the Dems. The Repub establishment hated him during the primaries, and MANY of them refused to support him, SO, he's got that going for him.


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