The same jerks(R) who fought Obama's EVERY move

to stimulate the economy through infrastructure and other job projects, are now jumping on the Trump bandwagon as he says he's gonna do the EXACT same thing Obama and the Dems tried SO hard to get done. Total HYPOCRITES with a capital H. But, nothing new here....
AND, the same jerks who fought EVERY economic policy saying 'we can't afford it', are going 'full speed ahead', with plans to cut taxes and increase spending on defense (already the most bloated BY FAR on the planet), and all their other pet projects. What is it called when you SAY one thing, then DO something totally different?
Oh yeah, HYPOCRITE, which is another word for Republican.... Sorta like Evangelicals for Trump.
And in other 'hypocrisy' news, Mike Pence, who crucified Hillary for not releasing her private emails is fighting a court order that he release some of his private emails involved in a court case. Same old shit from the same 'bad actors'.


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