We've all heard about the 'Fake News', esp on Facebook,

where MOST people get their news, (believe it or not) and how it was instrumental in this year's election, as anti-Hillary posters made YUUUGE money, while the sheep swallowed the lies, as facts. It helps to explain why SO MANY thought HRC was a YUUGE liar, while FACTS showed that Trump's lies FAR outnumbered hers. We sorta thought it was over, with the election, BUT, yesterday there was a story about 30 minutes of hard-core pornography being accidentally broadcast by CNN. Seems it was Fake News, traced down to a single Tweet (The Donald) and the ONLY major 'news?' organization to 'fall for it' was FOX/PARP, who broadcast it as fact. Rush went crazy with it.
Yup, the King of Fake News, passed on the 'Fake News' to the sheep, who swallowed it, while the 'Real' news actually researched it and discounted it as 'Fake'. Nothing new here, BUT, as we see our new prez and wonder WTF happened?, just remember the sheep who get their news from Facebook and FOX, and what can happen when lies replace facts, among those who don't know or don't CARE what's real, as long as it's anti-Lib.
Nothing new here....


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