FOX is going crazy, about Evelyn Farkas,

saying her statements PROVE that Trump was surveiled by Dems, cuz she said she hoped some intel info 'didn't get lost'. YUUUGE news among the rightwingnuts.
What they DON'T say?
Evelyn Farkas left her govt job, in Sept of 2015, long before Trump was the nominee. REALLY!
Just another distraction, for the sheep who LOVE to be distracted by FOX 'news', when it looks like their boy is 'guilty as hell'.
She also told The Daily Caller she was not involved in circulating any intelligence, saying, “I wasn’t in government anymore and didn’t have access to any.”
BUT, this allows FOX to shift the focus from Nunes, who clearly lied about when and where he got the 'secret info' that supported Trump's unfounded allegations that Obama wiretapped him. FOXNews=Professional liars.


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