In the rural backwaters and rightwingnut bastions,

(and there is quite an overlap), FOXNews rules and reality reporting drools. The low-info denizens of  the 'pockets of ignorance' would have us believe that FOX is the most 'highly rated' 'news' source.
BULLSHIT, it's the highest rated 'cable' 'news', not even CLOSE to network news, that is led by ABC.
The sheep are secure in their 'We're #1' mentality, but Hannity's bullshit propaganda has an audience of 2.9 million, less than 1% of American population. Take out the 'REALLY OLD farts, the high school dropouts and those like me who occasionally drop in for a peek and say WTF is WRONG with those people?, and it probably drops in half'
BUT, this doesn't stop the ignorant sheep from thinking, 'Yup, we is the SMART ones', after they made the conscious decision to get their 'news' from the network created by the Repub Political Straegist, Roger Ailes.
And you wonder how we got an idiot like The Orange Clown as prez?
Speaking of facts you won't see on FOX, here's what GW had to say about the inauguration of the Liar in Chief.
'That was some weird shit'. Google it if you don't believe me, or read it here.
 new New York Magazine piece 


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