For the FOXSheep, and other low-info Pubs,
the Pub answer to Affordable Care was dumped, by the Pubs today.
Bottom line, the lowesr income 'insured' would have to pay over $1000/year MORE, while the upper income 'insured' will net over a $5000/year GAIN, but that's not good enough for the FAR RIGHT, who want MORE, for the wealthy.
Welcome to Pub politics. as the rightwingnuts can't pass the first test, when it comes to actual governing, vs just bitching.
Bottom line, same old crap from the Pubs. 'Nobody knew health care would be so difficult'.
Repubs=What a joke, as they think injury and disease should be YUUUGE profit for Big Medicine, in spite of what the REST OF THE WORLD, does for it's citizens.
The funniest part? The low-info, low income sheep who put the Orange Clown in power will be hurt the most.
Too bad. Life isn't easy, and even tougher when you're stupid(R)......
PS Obamacare has LOTS of problems, mainly cuz the Pubs sabotaged it at every opportunity, and fought every attempt to fix it. BUT, a YUUUGE majority says "FIX IT' don't kill it.
Do the Pubs care? OF COURSE NOT. They're Pubs, with their own agenda (Big Med/Money) vs the people...