For the sheep, who don't get truth.

We’ve all seen the way President Trump talks. It’s glorious, awe-inspiring, and completely bereft of sense. Thanks to Donald Trump’s endearing turns of phrase, we’ve learnt that he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever, that he has no connections to Russia, and that Obama definitely wiretapped Trump Tower.
Even though none of those things are true, President Trump’s claims have carried a certain weight with his supporters. While we’re still reeling with this idea, it’s worth looking at Trump’s inventive vocabulary just to have a laugh and perhaps consider that this is the 45th (and most unpopular) President of the United States. Let’s not weep, let’s laugh and resist.
  1. News from undeniably credible publications renowned for their journalistic acumen.
  2. Anything other than FOX News. 
  3. WIRETAPPING Or TAPP - Verb / Noun
    1. A way to blame President Obama for something he didn’t do.
    2. A setting on Kellyanne Conway’s Microwave.


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