Before he became known for his 'war on the environment'

the Liar in Chief was primarily known for his Big 3 positions.
It began with his multi-year claim that Obama wasn't born in the US.
Then, he got more cred with the 'deplorables' by promising to kill Obamacare on DAY ONE, with a YUUUGE number of speeches claiming just that.
To further embrace the Deplorables, his other MAIN promise lie, was his Big Beautiful WALL, that Mexico would pay for. Throw in his promise to 'get rid of ISIS with his 'secret plan', cuz he knew 'more than the generals', and you get the idea....
BTW, the sheep arr holding their breath, for the never-ending, never happening Repub promise LIE, that 'We're gonna cut your taxes', AND balance the budget.' Guess what, morons? NEITHER is gonna happen. Surprise! Can you say 'Gullible'?
Well, rightwingnuts, how's your boy doing? Not that you even have a clue, but the rest of us are LAUGHING at you, while you think  'How was we so stoopid, to believe such obvious bullshit'?. Thanks a bunch...


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