This just in:

As part of Trump's YUUUGE military build up, in an effort to 'thank' the Southern Bible Belt states for assuring his victory, General Dynamics is developing a Jesus-shaped bomber, capable of dropping 'gays' on ISIS.
The southern congregations said, 'Amen, just make sure we get to build them (and overcharge) in our own districts.' Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and pass the pork barrel!
The teachers who lost their jobs, to pay for it, weren't as happy....
In other news, the Clown tweeted out 'Jobs, Jobs, Jobs', taking credit for thousands of new jobs.
The only problem, according to (non-partisan) CNBC, almost ALL of those jobs were in the pipeline, before Trumps was elected, incl Charter Communications, which made up MOST of the 'new' jobs.
Trump could actually claim only 130 jobs at Ford, that he was (partially) responsible for, as per CNBC, which gives facts, instead of FOXBullshit.
Just more LIES for the sheep to swallow....


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