While those of us who actually use our brain

continue to distance ourselves from the Orange Clown in the White House, the Bozo visited a YUUUGE herd of clueless sheep, as things were going BAD for him in the real world.
Yup, he visited Louisville, KY, where he could be surrounded by low info/ low education/ low income yokels, who support his agenda, and cheered his 'pep rally'. which he thrives on.
Nothing new here, as the clueless clowns welcome the Clown in Charge.
Welcome to Kentucky, where FOXCrap RULES, and education drools....
What can you expect from the ignorant jerks(R) who choose to believe FOX, think being gay is a 'lifestyle choice', but obesity is genetic?
You can't fix stupid, in the heart of the Bible Belt, where they saw Donald and thought, (WWJD?) 'Yup, Jesus would want HIM as prez'....',
You think it's a coincidence that KY property values are at or near the BOTTOM in the US?
They LOVE The Donald, in the land where 'bumpkins(R) of a feather, flock together', and support Donald Trump.
Nothing new here, but sad just the same, and a microcosm of how the Orange Clown won the presidency.


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