The last time that I can remember

that Congress and the FBI offered immunity to a crook(R), was when Ollie North got busted for running guns and drugs for St Ronnie. North got immunity, which was a YUUGE mistake, cuz he went on to FOXNews and spewed LIES for decades, which the sheep blindly swallowed, as always..
BUT, we did find out that Reagan and the rightwingnuts broke the law, ran drugs to US cities and used the profits to buy guns for their illegal war in Iran.
Did this bother the Repub rightwingnuts? OF COURSE NOT!
They went ahead to bust the black 'hoods for using drugs and swept the whole mess under the rug, and made the Alzheimer-addled bozo a HERO of the Repub party.
Totally shameless, but that's just part of being Republican....
Some things never change, as the Trumpies spin one lie after another, trying to divert attention from The Clown's Russian connections.
BUT, with Flynn's flip, things are gonna get REAL interesting, as even the sheep are gonna have a hard time swallowing, without gagging, but they will. They always do....


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