There's always been a YUUUGE disconnect

between 'real' news, that over 90% of the American news agencies provide, and the 'spin' that FOX, (created by Repub Political Strategist Roger Ailes), shovels out for the sheep.
But never has the chasm been SO large, as FOX reports on the failure of Trumpcare, travel bans and Trump's dismantling of the Clean Air and Water Acts. Now it's 'off the chart'.
We also have the Trump/Russia connection, (that 17 of 17 US intel agencies agree on, but FOX denies), the Obama Wiretapping that DIDN'T happen, but FOX implies that it did, and the entire fiasco of Rep Nunes having secret late night meetings at the White House before coming out with 'secret info' that exonerates Trump, BUT, he won't share it with anyone. FINE with FOX, but no one else'
Yup, the sheep get their 'news' from ONE biased source, while ignoring the (over) 90% they don't like.
And in their minds, they're the SMART ones. OMG!
BUT, congrats to Roger Ailes, for the biggest political coup in history, and it begs the question.
If you'd been successfully brainwashed, would you know it?
OF COURSE NOT! Right, sheep?


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