The Bible Belters, who gave us Trump,

(after praying and asking WWJD?, then deciding to go with the 'Pussy Grabber'), have some new demands, as a 'thank you' for their service to America. They want a couple of additions to their Jesus shaped bomber that drops gays on ISIS.
 The brainiacs have decided it needs to be coal-powered, so their grade school dropout buddies can keep their wonderful jobs, AND it needs to be also be able to drop Climatologists. The Thumpers say it's getting harder to ignore the 97% of actual 'qualified scientists' who agree that climate change is 'real', and it's probable cause is the burning of fossil fuel.
The Trumpies said No Problem, we wouldn't be here without you, and we'll just cut a few more education and health programs to fund the coal-powered aeronautic technology.


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