He perfectly fits the definition of 'Pathological Liar'

He lies the way no American politician has lied before. The occasional untruths that other recent presidents have spoken — often unwittingly — do not compare with the frequency, intensity and deliberateness with which Donald Trump offers falsehoods. 
Monday brought the remarkable spectacle of the director of the F.B.I., James Comey, calling out the president of the United States for being untruthful.

He also has the despicable quality of NEVER admitting he's wrong, OR saying he's sorry, although his behavior has warranted it a YUUUGE number of times. What other human can you think of with those faults?
And he's the one the the Evangelical sheep looked at and said, 'Yup, he's presidential material, and I'm voting for HIM!' Thanks, jerks(R).
These morons should be SO ashamed, for falling for his obvious lies and character flaws, BUT, how many will actually admit they've been played, by an egotistical, arrogant carnival barker? Someday, for sure, but for now they live as they have, with their heads firmly and deeply implanted, after the Commies put 'their boy' in the White House. Sickening, but SO Republican....


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