Another side effect

to W's adventure in Iraq. The Rocky Mountain News' lead article yesterday, told how 9 different soldiers from the 4th Infantry Div, from Ft Carson, CO, have been charged with murder, in the Colorado Springs area, after returning from Iraq. Most, but not all, had the same MO. A marginal recruit, never acceptable until W trashed our military, returns home with post traumatic stress syndrome (over 30% of troops), from repeated tours in a surreal war zone, and SURPRISE, has a hard time adjusting to civilian life, SO, they revert to what they have been trained to do. Kill. I gotta think this is not limited to Colorado Springs, but we are gonna see alot of this, and lesser crimes, thoughout our country, as these guys come home to a jobless economy that has been wrecked by the same cowboy. Thanks, George, you've given us SO MUCH to remember you by....


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